07/01/24-07/06/24 STRENGTH WEEK: #9 Happy July TXT Fam, We have finally made it to summer and warmer weather, Hooray! For the 4th of July Holiday this year, there will only be one txt class at Live Oak Club 9am. Coach Christa will lead a fun sweaty workout. We welcome you to bring your friends and family to join us at no charge. Please no one under 15 years old. There will be no other classes Thursday fourth of July & all clubs are open 8am - 1pm. Friday July 5th is back to our normal schedule. BEACH TXT: Get ready for some sandy fun starting Friday August 2nd! We will meet at live oak Toadal 5:30pm and go to 20th for our summer beach workout! Friends & family can join in the beach workouts for $5 a class. COACH CHRISTA'S MATERNITY LEAVE: I will be taking maternity leave starting August from TXT. But that's just teaching classes. I will still be available if you need anything. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. Ivan is taking over my MWF 6am Classes at the west side starting July 1st. Julia is taking over for M/W 5:30pm & Sat 9am Scotts Valley,TU/TH Noon Live Oak starting August. However, I will teach 8am west side for the first 2 weeks of August and Heather will take over for MWF 8am West side TXT at the end of August. I expect to be giving birth around September 1st. But who knows haha Otherwise I should return in person around December. My husband Sean & I are so excited!! Thank you for all the love and support we received from all of you during this new step in our life. You have truly made us feel special & blessed. Thank You!! TXT REGULAR CLASS SCHEDULE We have had a few trainer schedule changes at the clubs. Here is a basic overview of our class schedule. Scotts Valley 6am MWF Chris 5:30pm MW Christa 9am Sat Christa West Side 6am MWF Ivan 8am MWF Christa 6:30PM TU/TH Kristof plus yoga at the end of class Live Oak 6am Tu/TH Ryan Noon MW Nicole Noon Tu/Th Christa Noon Fri Ariana 5:30pm Mon Ivan 5:30pm Wed Angie 5:30pm Tu/Th Jason 9am Sat Ivan Cabrillo 6am M/W Amber 6am Fri Angie 8am MWF Ariana 6pm MW Ariana MONDAY FIT TEST DAY We are testing what we can do now so we can retest in 6 weeks and see how far we’ve come. These tests are meant to be accessible to all levels. Fitness testing is a great way to monitor and assess your ability as it relates to aerobic fitness & strength. Have everyone document how well they did and what they scored (what time or how many reps they got.) ○ Mobility Squat Test: RPE: ○ Plank Test: RPE: ○ 500m Run Test: RPE: ○ 1 min push-up Test: RPE: ○ Dbl Kb squat, clean, press in 1 min: RPE: ○ 1 rep deadlift: ○ RPE: ○ 2 min Sit-up Test: ○ RPE: ○ Max Wall sit Test: ○ RPE: ○ Max Pull Up Test: ○ RPE: 0-10 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, For warmup do laps of buttkickers, Storkwalk, Inch worm, Side Slides, Karaoke, Walking knee hugs, Jumping jacks, Traveling sprinter lunge. 1. Perform One Controlled 5 Wall Squats (MOBILITY TEST)The Test: Stand facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes 2 inches from the baseboard and turned slightly out. Keeping your feet flat, chest up, and back naturally arched, see how far you can lower your body without touching the wall or falling backward. Complete 5 reps. 2. Hold a Plank (5 MIN MAX) Assume a push-up position but with your weight on your forearms instead of your hands. This is a plank position. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Brace your core by contracting your abs as if you were about to be punched, and hold the position for as long as you can. When your hips sag or your knees touch the floor, it's over. If you modify to your knees, time how long you can hold in that position. 3. 500m Run or Row for best time:The Test You can do the test outside, ON THE ELLIPTICAL OR TREADMILL:If you are on a machine do a 3 min warm-up, then run one lap (500 meters) as quickly as possible. 4. How many Push-ups can you do in a minute?Assume a push-up position, with your body straight from head to ankles. Lower yourself until your chest is 3 inches from the floor. Push yourself back up. If you modify to your knees, note at what number you go to your knees and how many pushups you do from there. 5.Double Kettlebell Squat, Clean, and Push Press 20x or more in 1 Minute (or as many as possible.)The Test Description: Choose Kettlebells 5% or 10% of your body weight. For ADVANCED WEIGHT OPTION, choose 30 percent of your body weight, that's a pair of 30-pounders if you weigh 200. 30% of 200=60lbs split it up and you have two 30lb weights. Place Kettlebells between your feet with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back naturally arched, push your hips back and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. As you stand up, Clean the dumbbells to shoulder height and then press them straight overhead. If you need to you can use your legs for push press but try to remain as strict as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat as many times as you can for one minute. . 6. 1 rep Deadlift with Kettlebells or dumbbells or barbell The Test: Caution please get someone to help you if you haven't deadlifted before. Load a barbell with the maximum amount of weight you can lift once, and bring the bar close to your shins. Bend at your hips and knees and grab the bar using an overhand grip that's just beyond shoulder width. Keeping your lower back naturally arched, pull your torso back and up, squeeze your glutes, push your hips forward, and stand up with the barbell sliding along your legs. Reverse the movement to lower the bar to the floor, keeping it as close to your body as possible.Keep back flat and try not to round your back. 7. 2 MIN max Sit-up Test (modification MAX DEAD BUG in 2 min)How many sit-ups can you do in 2 min? Have someone hold your feet and keep hands on shoulders & arms across your chest. No elevating or pumping arms. Shoulder blades touch the ground when at bottom of sit up. Partner should count your reps. 8. Wall Sit Test (5 MIN Max)Sit with a flat back against the wall. Hips inline with knees, knees over ankles, weight in your heels. See how long you can hold the position. 9. Pullup Test 1 minHow many pullups can you do in 1 min? If you need assistance please note what kind of assistance you used for future reference. TUESDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 30 sec on/10 sec off Alternating pike reach Close grip bent over KB row Alternating single leg v-ups Alternating wide stance lateral lunge 15-25 Horizontal Pull 10 Min AMRAP 5 R/ L KettleBell Plank Row (From elevated plank position on box) 5 R/L KB Swing High Pull (MODIFICATION: perfect the swing or do high pull without swing) 5 TRX Muscle Up 25-45 WOD 1 time through: 10 TRX ROW (KX Horizontal) 10 Push up 10 TRX ROW 20 KB Pullovers (KX 35W/53M) 10 TRX ROW 30/30 KB Mountain climbers (KX 35W/53M) 10 TRX ROW 40/40 Bicycles 10 TRX ROW 50 Sit up (KX GOB SIT UP 25W/50M) 10 TRX ROW 40 Plank Jacks 10 TRX ROW 30 V ups 10 TRX ROW 20 Dips on a box 10 TRX ROW 10 Close grip push ups 10 TRX ROW 5 MIN FOAM ROLL WEDNESDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique Warm Up: 3-4 Rounds 5 min CUTOFF 40 Mountain Climbers 10/10 S.L. Glute Bridge 10 Squats 10/10 Clams 20-30 Squat Strength: 10 MIN EMOM ODD: 3R/3L Single Arm Front Rack Squat & 6 Jump Squats EVEN: 15 Sumo Goblet Squat 30-45 WOD LEG VARIETY !! Do each booty block 1x and move on. BOOTY BLOCK 1 1 Min Pulse squats KX 25/35lbs 30 sec/ 30 sec BANDED Donkey kicks 1 Min KB Glute bridges KX 25/35lbs 30 sec/30 sec Gob Lateral Lunge KX 25/35lbs -1min set up for next section- BOOTY BLOCK 2 1 Min Sumo Squats KX 30/40lbs 1 MIN Plank jacks 30 sec/30 sec Gob box step up KX 25/35lbs 1 Min Jump Rope/Jumping Jacks -1min set up for next section- BOOTY BLOCK 3 1 MIN TRX HAMSTRING CURL 30 sec/30sec x-walks 1 MIN Jump Squats 1 MIN Wall sits while squeezing a slam ball between the knees -DONE- 5 MIN FOAM ROLL THURSDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up 3 rounds 30/10 Scapular pushups High Knees Single KB Goblet chest press with hip bridge Jumping jacks 20-30 Horizontal Press 10 min cutoff Superset 3-5 rounds of 5 reps One arm KB Chest press (hips elevated)R One arm KB Chest press (hips elevated)L TRX CHEST FLY 30-45 4th of July WOD: USE THE WEIGHT YOU WOULD USE FOR THE PUSH PRESS FOR THE WHOLE WORKOUT. 7 Rounds 4 DBL KB SUITCASE DEADLIFT 4 DBL KB SWING CLEAN 4 DBL KB PUSH PRESS 4 OVER KB BURPEES 5 MIN STRETCH FRIDAY 0-15 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 2 rounds 3 inch worm scorpion 3/3 iron cross 6 Legs up toe touch 20 bicycles 30 Butt kickers 15-25 CORE Strength: [10 MIN cutoff] REP: 30/20/10 (modify reps if needed) -KB Dead bugs -Sideplank hiplift R (MODIFICATION: Bend bottom knee or hold side plank for time) -Sideplank hiplift L -Abmat situp 25-45 WOD: 15 Min Ascending AMRAP start with 2 reps (KX for advanced members 35W/53M & bottoms up with situp has no set weight.) KB Halo R KB windmill R KB single-arm front squat R KB Halo L KB windmill L KB single-arm front squat L Kettlebell single-arm Sit Up (KX with bottoms up hold)L Kettlebell single-arm Sit Up (KX with bottoms up hold)R 250m run or row 5 MIN FOAM ROLL SATURDAY 0-20 Isolated Mobility, Compound Mobility, Movement Patterning/Technique, Warm Up: 3 Rounds 30 Grasshoppers 10 Serratus Push ups 30 Leg Scissors 3/3 Lunges 20-30 Power Lift You can RTR and then stay at most challenging weight 10 Min AMRAP 3R/3L Alternating Standing Strict Press (alternate the press) 50M Farmer Carry 30-45 WOD:30/20/10 BURPEE BOX JUMP KB SWING (KX 35w//53/M) TRX T 10 cal row 5 MIN FOAM ROLL
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